More data. More photographs. More videos. More interviews. The last ten days have been action-packed. Here is a quick list of happenings in the the last ten days, including Arthur's visit to the island. Now, the countdown begins. 13 more days. Today, Jorell and Magaly told me they aren't at good at goodbyes...well that makes three of us. It shall be painful. Perhaps I should start planning that return trip now...and ensuring I see everyone in New York for Thanksgiving and rock n' roll.
1. Exploring Santurce with Jason Mena, particularly the part where we drank a Medalla on the curb outside of the gas station and ate an almond from the almond tree we were sitting beneath.
2. The misinterpretation of the status update: "Not funny, Mario. Not funny, at all."
3. Watching the final World Cup game with Magaly and Jorell.
4. Enjoying the campus of the UPR, while sitting in the library, outside the theatre, and conducting interviews.
5. Having the opportunity to be broody on the island.
6. Going to Old San Juan with Carlos, discussing plans for his next film project, getting stuck (yet again, by the rain under an awning), experiencing The Office (including the special whiskey and delightful food), and getting a little lost.
7. Meeting new friends, like Ezequiel, Miguel, Joel, and Bryan.
8. Arthur's arrival.
9. Sitting in the apartment during a storm with the power out with only candles to light the place and listening to the upstairs neighbor play his piano.
10. Taking Art to the Cafe (103) with Jorell and Egie. Becoming U.M.B (aka ultra.mega.brooders) and also remembering to take home the umbrella (only to leave it out at the bar a couple of nights later). Dancing and c-c-c-combobreaking.
11. Taking Art to Old San Juan.
12. The three rock shows: Un Final Fatal, Campio Formio, and Anti-Sociales.
13. "Hey Sexy Wassup"
14. The attempted beach trip to Guilligan's Island with Magaly, Jorell, Art, Noelia and Carlos. After many failed starts, we finally arrived (after driving through the weather coming from the water tornado in Mayaguez) to discover the ferry was sold out. While drinking beer at the nearby and odd Rasta painted bar, the sun we instead spent the afternoon at the nearby beach, Playa Cana Gorda. Spending hours in the ocean, while drinking Medalla simultaneously was delightful. Aww, the memories and laughter.
15. Listening to Edward Sharpe with Art in my room, after a few too many drinks.
16. The UPR piquete at the tower and the general march on July 18th. (See photo above from the general march).
17. Planning numerous pranks...whether involving religion, steaks, police, or pillows.
18. Drinking frozen margaritas and swimming in the rain with Arthur before he left today.
I now embark on my final two weeks on the island. Fieldwork will occupy most of this week, but you can bet your ass I'm going to Manic Monday next week. I'm hoping for dance party. I'm also hoping to see Culebra or Vieques.
And an anecdote, Art and I met a woman on the beach today when it was raining. For some unknown reason, she explained to us that she arrived here 13 months ago for a short trip. And she never left. She called a friend to have her two dogs put on a plane for here. Hmmm.
Now, Arthur...would you do me a favor? Prepare Sabine and Igor for a plane ride?
(Pictures and video to follow in the next couple of days...)