05 January 2009

Great World of Sound

Over my holiday break from school, I've found various ways to amuse myself. One of the ways that I typically find to enjoy myself is by watching countless movies- good ones, bad ones, all of them. A preview of my Netflix history would inform you about my schedule during the year. For the first time in several months, I'm without a movie to watch. They typically sadly pile up on the table (yes, I'm one of those junkies that must have 3 at a time, all the time). Today, I didn't receive one in the mail and actually, I sent one back in.

While watching some ridiculous "indie" romantic comedy this past week (yes, we all have our weaknesses), we came across a preview for a movie called Great World of Sound. I was intrigued by the premise, as it involved music producers and aspirational musicians. As the preview played on, I had to essentially freeze frame each shot because it dawned on me that this film not only took place in Charlotte (my hometown), but involved many of the folks I knew from back home.

Here watch it.

Of course, I immediately logged on and moved it to the top of my list. It is a beautiful movie and I commend those folks I know that worked on this film.

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