Once upon a time, Monday use to imply one of two things: Motown Monday at the 5 Spot or Manic Monday at Cafe 103...but that was a more simple time. So, tonight, I've got a dance party for one in my room-- while thinking about past nights at the Cafe and Motown dance parties in my house with my neighbors. Incidentally, this also means I'm looking for a dance party on the island...so folks, let me know if there is one happening.
This past week, I started interviewing. 2 interviews, 8 hours of data, and loads of follow up contacts. I also started working again, which was an incredible feeling.
Ultimately, I can safely say I'm on the right track now. There are no trains on this track.
Although I haven't secured any interviews for tomorrow, I'm trying to remember one of the most important lessons that I learned my first summer-- just let things happen and unfold naturally. So much of what happens on the island takes place on its own time, without being forced. Some days the person you are interviewing doesn't show up or sometimes you have to reschedule, but they always get done. It was this lesson that I lost sight of in the last month and a half...and so I'm glad to fully embrace it again.
So, what happened last week?
1. I had two incredible interviews with people I've been wanting to interview for over a year. They were incredibly insightful and gave me some new perspectives on my research. Not to mention, the company was stellar.
2. I successfully navigated the bus to Old San Juan and even got to feel superior to the other gringos on the bus.
3. Within five minutes of arriving at Universidad de Puerto Rico- Rio Piedras, I ran into an old friend...the sweet Cholo. We got to catch up briefly and I'm super stoked to see him in the upcoming week.
4. I gave directions to a young woman who attends the UPR-Mayaguez campus, but only after mistakenly thinking she was asking me for directions to the closest waiter, not museum.
5. I had a wonderful meeting with a future collaborator, Alessandra-- while we shared drinks at El Refugio (one of my favorite spots in Rio Piedras).
6. Developed a crush and made tentative future plans to oooh and aah over said recipient of crush.
7. Family dinner...avocado egg rolls might be the most delicious thing I've ever put in my mouth. (Come on, Ashley, Michelle, and Cassy...get your head out of the gutter).
8. Jorell and Magaly's tiniest violin.
9. Finally feeling awake again. Really, really awake...though not being able to sleep until the wee hours of the morning, but also making some progress on my paper.
10. Beach days...like last Friday and today. Sadly, today, I've developed an intense sunburn. Yes, this is why they make sunscreen. You'd think I'd have learned that by now.
11. Although this is state-centric, Erin Bergner buying me a ticket to see Wilco in October.
12. Road trip to Aguadilla with Magaly, Jorell, and Eggie for Chepi Fest. There was good music. There was laughter. There were uncomfortable situations in the parking lot of the Wendy's. There were roosters crossing the road. But most importantly, there was Ace of Base.
13. Chepi Fest in Aguadilla. Chepi was a close friend of Jorell and Magaly that passed away last summer. Actually, I was here last summer when it happened and I remembered being moved by the emotions they shared with me. Chepi's loss impacted loads and loads of people...and when Jorell recounted to me at the show what people loved so much about Chepi, I was reminded of the loss of Charlie. It sounded like they were cut from the same cloth. Plus there was lots of great music and good friends.
14. The quote..."I'm pretty sure he has everything big."
15. Dragging Jorell away from the show...which resulted in Jorell and I almost fighting one another, Chester fries, and the wicked Gasolina (which folks, is awesome. It is basically a mixed drink in a Capri Sun pouch, complete with a straw and everything...GENIUS).
16. Jorell and I joking the whole next day about fighting.
17. Texting with Art on Sunday afternoon...and realizing they'll never let us share a room at rehab. (Sad face).
18. Making a wise, wise choice.
19. Going to the movies here. I particularly enjoyed the fact that popcorn only costs $1.70. The movie was fantastic, but perhaps my favorite part is when the Woody Allen movie was only in French and the subtitles were in Spanish-- and I got to practice my understanding of the language by figuring out what was being said.
So, there you have it...another wonderful week full of productivity, ocean waves, and the most fantastic friends. Here's to next week (Saludos!)...where I'll get to see more old friends (Joel, Carlos, Noelia, Miguel, Cholo, Bernabe....this means you, so make it happen)...and I'll continue to work. Not to mention, today, I realized I've only got a month left...and that made me a little sad.
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Puerto Rico Summer Week 2 |
1. If they do let us share a room in rehab, we'd better pretend to rehabilitate.
2. A track clear of oncoming trains is good news.
3. Who won the fight anyhow?
4. Roosters + Ace of Base. Rad.
5. Old San Juan. Ultra-Rad.
6. Wise choices. Wait... what?
7. I have started to work again too... A wise choice perhaps?
I love your play by play questions.
1. Yes, we can pretend. They do that in the movies all the time.
2. Yes, indeedy. It keeps you safe from potential train wrecks.
3. Duh. Me. Of course. I'm still winning, though a few moments ago Jorell flipped me off.
4. Yep.
5. Beautiful.
6. Wise choices limited to certain bad choices I was making...trust me, they aren't all wise.
7. Very wise, my darling. Very wise. At least until I get home.
it made my morning (as I sit here hearing the waves crash in florida) to see that i made the list.
you are wonderful, and i feel lucky to be included in your work.
i miss you. enjoy your crush, dances, and avocado--jeff tweedy and i will be here waiting for you.
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